Nobody likes UTIs – not your patients getting them or you having to treat them. The good news is, with education and preventive measures we can help empower women and put UTI prevention in their hands, with fewer antibiotics.

Rethink your roUTIne. Think UTI prevention, not treatment!

Ready to join the no more utis MOVEMENT?

Review important links and download helpful resources to further assist you when discussing self-care. Plus, complete the form to request a UTI Prevention Kit be shipped to your clinic.

We’re not anti-antibiotic. Just pro-proactive. Increased prevalence of UTIs and associated antimicrobial use is creating an immense financial and clinical burden on our healthcare system. While essential for UTI treatment, using antibiotics long-term for prevention may not be the healthiest option.

  • Antibiotic resistance is a growing concern with resistance rates in E. coli, the most commonly UTI-associated pathogen, rapidly rising. Review antibiotic resistance maps and trends.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) offers tools and resources for healthcare providers and patients to help address this global concern.
  • FDA warnings strongly discourage the use of certain drug classes (i.e., fluoroquinolones) citing their severe and life-threatening adverse effects.

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